
Tennessee Flaggers Press Release


The newly formed group Tennessee Flaggers Holding the Line, is a grassroots group made up of citizens opposed to the unfounded attacks upon our Southern history, heritage and our flags which represent that history and heritage. Our first flagging effort will take place in Elizabethton, TN near Green Hill Cemetery, where incidents of Confederate flag abuse have taken place in the past year. Our flagging on Saturday, July 28 11:00 am will address these issues:
1) Surveyors tape and flags on the graves of Confederate soldiers.

2) A locked gate at the only safe entry point to the cemetery, disallowing safe entry to the cemetery for memorial services.

3) Some folk in Elizabethton have taken it upon themselves to act under color of authority without ownership of Green Hill Cemetery.

4) The slander of our Confederate heroes by demeaning the flag they fought and died for.... The Confederate Battle Flag!

Battle brewing over Confederate flag at local cemetery:

This is a peaceful effort, which will be conducted, for educational purposes, allowable under Federal, Tennessee State and local law.

We will meet July 28, 11am in the field behind Tractor Supply. Our Flagging will start after that meeting and will last until we burn-out.

Please join in this effort for our heroes and our Flag.

God bless,

The Tennessee Confederate Flaggers

Contact info:

Col Mike Shaffer (Doc)
Bristol, Tenn. 37620
(423) 652-0213

PoP Aaron

"When needed, Flaggers stand with our flags against those in opposition in a peaceful, yet forceful manner, to educate and inform the general public, and in open and visible protest against those who have attacked us, our flags, our ancestors, or our Heritage.

Flaggers speak for those who have no voice. We relay a message of Honor, Dignity, Respect, and Heritage to those who never knew, or to those who have forgotten, and to attempt to reach those who refuse to hear.

Our weapon is truth and the Confederate Battle Flag. Our enemies are those who worship ignorance, historical revisionism and Political Correctness.

We take pride in taking a stand for the Cause. For this Cause, we call others to flock to the banner of our ancestors, take up their flags, and join us in battle, for OUR TIME IS NOW." by VA Flagger, Susan Frise Hathaway

Tennessee Flagging Coordinator:

Col Mike Shaffer (Doc)
Bristol, Tenn. 37620
bigmikeshff@yahoo.com (423) 652-0213

PoP Aaron

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