
Flagging Report...Flagging the VMFA - Week 19!

Week 19 of Flagging the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts began with an incredible day on the Boulevard.

We had a total of 18 Flaggers out in the beautiful late January weather and were able to position Flaggers at every entrance and key position around the museum.

Foot and auto traffic was very heavy and supporters FAR outnumbered our opposition! Many people pulled over in their cars to offer support and encouragement. So many people asked for additional flyers to take to friends that we actually RAN OUT!

My favorite conversation was with two elderly ladies who pulled over right in front of the main entrance. They told us that they had lived in the neighborhood all of their lives and used to visit the old soldiers on their way home from school. They were shocked to learn what the VMFA had done, took a handful of flyers, and promised to distribute them to friends and neighbors and call the VMFA to let them know how they feel.

Many, many, more good conversations were held, changing hearts and minds and giving the public an education on our flags and our Heritage. We understand that the Museum's phone lines were flooded with phone calls that afternoon, as well.

In addition, a bill has been introduced to the Virginia General Assembly that will designate the Pelham Chapel as an official State War Memorial, and includes language to replace the flags. We are seeing huge dividends from our efforts and I cannot say enough about the over 150 different folks who have joined us in the efforts to restore the Confederate Battle Flags to the Pelham Chapel.

Our next flagging will be this Wednesday, February 1st, from 3:00 pm to dusk. Join us on the Boulevard! If you are unable to attend, please make a phone call to the VMFA during those hours. Call (804)340-1500, press 2, then 1...hold on...someone will answer! Ask them to return the Battle Flags to the Pelham Chapel.

I have been asked frequently when we are going to be done with the flagging and my answer has not changed in 19 weeks...WHEN THE FLAGS GO BACK UP!!

More pics here... http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150559433754274.432842.698334273&type=3

God bless the Virginia Flaggers!

RETURN the flags!
RESTORE the honor!

See you on the Boulevard!

Susan Hathaway
Va Flaggers


  1. Will be forever proud of y'all Little Sister!


  2. Since I don't live in VA, I am passing this along to my husband to share at work tomorrow....I know many of the gentlemen he works will gladly make calls. I plan to call as well. Thank you for taking a stand to protect our heritage!
