
Flagging the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts - Week 3

VERY windy in Richmond, Virginia Saturday, October 15th, but the sun was shining on Va Flaggers Grayson Jennings, Tripp Lewis and Susan Hathaway as we headed out for another day of flagging the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
From 11:00 am- 3:00 pm, we walked the sidewalk surrounding the Chapel and Museum and spoke with a good number of people.

The highlight was a couple who were going to the museum until they heard that the folks there had forced the SCV to remove the battle flags from the Chapel. They were furious and turned around and went to visit the Chapel, instead.

One employee from the museum stopped and talked with us. He took a flyer in with him, so we got at least one inside the building.

Everyone we talked to today was supportive and most had no idea what had been happening. One young man took our information and wants to join us next week.

This very nice lady talked to us for a good while, asked a lot of questions and agreed that the flag should not come down.

All in all, a very successful afternoon in the Capital of the Confederacy, with flags flapping in the breeze for hundreds to see, and good discussions and literature distribution to help raise awareness about the Virginia Museum of Fine Art's attack on the honor and memory of our Confederate ancestors.


  1. Good job everybody,let me know when yall are going to be out there again.It would be of great help if some camps in the Richmond area could be mobilized to help with this.SCV that is. C.W. Thomas III Chief of Staff Isle of Wight Avengers Camp #14 Smithfield, Va.

  2. Tommy, we are generally out there 11-3 each Saturday. I will keep you posted...

  3. I saw the story about your protest on 8 News WRIC and I whole-heartedly support you! 100%! I have a fore-father who served in the Confederacy under Capt John Pegram in Pegrams artillery and light brigade. You go!
