

We received the following commentary from a supporter, and are sharing, with his permission...

We are living in a truly revolutionary time.

Despite all efforts by the MSM, by virtually all other establishment powers, and by all the Armageddon types, Great Britain and the UK have walked back their marriage to the EU. This is the peaceful version of what the South tried to accomplish in 1861.  We were denied our wish for self-government, first expressed in Magna Carta, and the results have been nothing short of catastrophic for the entire world ever since.

Proponents of collectivists government would scorn me, but so what ?

Government with the consent of the governed took a giant step forward in BREXIT.  May lady liberty take many more steps, and not wait too long.

Lastly, as Jackie Gleason used to say, “How sweet it is !”  The BREXIT vote, 150 years later and on a global scale, vindicated Jefferson Davis when he said, “I am quite sure that the issues for which we contend will reassert themselves in future generations…”.  The efforts to suppress this vindication are seen all around us, from the denigration of southerners, to the disregard for our traditions, our monuments, and especially in the vitriolic attacks on the Confederate Battle Flag and its praiseworthy supporters, the Virginia Flaggers.

BREXIT blows it all out of the water !

This is not the end of the conflict, but it may be the end of the beginning which started at Runny Meade, stepped forward at Yorktown, was temporarily crushed at Appomattox, but has now gathered up its skirts once again and stood tall at BREXIT.

I cannot believe (yes I really can !) that the headlines on our papers are not as bold as they were in declaring VE and VJ Days.

Jack Turner, Beaverdam


"It's a vindication of 1,000 years of British democracy," commuter Jonathan Campbell James declared at the train station in Richmond, southwest London. "From Magna Carta all the way through to now we've had a slow evolution of democracy, and this vote has vindicated the maturity and depth of the democracy in our country."
"A lot of people's grievances are coming out and we have got to start listening to them," said deputy Labour Party leader John McDonnell.
Indeed, the vote constituted a rebellion against the political, economic and social Establishment. All manner of groups — CEOs, scientists, soldiers — had written open letters warning of the consequences of an exit. Farage called the result "a victory for ordinary people against the big banks, big business and big politics."

 Va Flaggers


Va Flaggers: Danville Update: Va Supreme Court Responds/New ANV Flag for 58 Bypass

We received word yesterday that the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that it will not hear the appeal of a Danville judge’s decision that upheld City Council's removal of the Third National Confederate flag from a monument on the grounds of the Sutherlin Mansion.
A petition for re-appeal will be filed and we remain hopeful that one judge will see the validity of the case and the petition will be granted.

This is a minor setback, to be sure, but this fight is far from over. Justice will prevail and the flag will return. In the meantime, we are having all kinds of fun beautifying the landscape in Danville with Battle Flags!

Thanks to a generous gift from one of our supporters, we recently purchased SIX new custom-made Army of Northern Virginia Battle Flags!

We are proud to announce that the Danville flag crew has just raised the first 20x20 of these new flags at the Danville 58 bypass site, after completing some upgrades at the site, which included added security and the installation of lighting.

The Va Flaggers wish to thank all who made this possible, especially our special donor who helped provide the flag, and the flag crew in Danville who have worked so hard to install and maintain the 15 new flags that have been raised since the Danville City Council voted to remove one tiny Third National from the Confederate Monument on the grounds of the Last Capital of the Confederacy last August.
Stay tuned...more projects in the works...we have only just begun to fight!
Meanwhile, the Heritage Preservation Association (HPA) is in its fourth month of flagging the Last Capital.  Support is growing each week, and the HPA invites you to join them THIS Saturday, at 10:00 a.m, as they forward the colors in at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History.


Virginia Flaggers